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Amateur Theatre Wiki:Community guidelines

From Amateur Theatre Wiki

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Collaboration is key. Wikis are based on the idea that the crowd, collectively, has a greater sum of knowledge than just one individual. That means collaborating with others is the key to creating a successful community. Collaboration means you work together to build, design, and make decisions. No one person owns or rules a community site. Rather, it is built, supported, and owned by all participating community members.

Practice open-mindedness & assume good faith. Since sites are open to edit by anyone, users of all skill levels and opinions are welcome to participate. We assume that most people who work on a wiki are trying to help it, not hurt it. If you think there is a problem, it's best to ask the user about the issue first, then take any additional steps if need be.

Be nice. Being friendly and nice goes a long way, no matter where you are. Say hello to others, provide help where you can, and ask others if you need assistance. Simply being nice can greatly impact the growth and success of a community.

Welcome new users. Everyone has to start somewhere, so if you meet a new user who by accident made an improper edit, be nice! It's better to help explain what they did wrong, so they can learn from you, than to leave them a mean message. Remember back to when you were new and how far friendly advice can go.

Spread the word! A community is only as strong as all of its members. The more it has, the stronger (and more successful) it will become. So invite your friends, family, schoolmates, and others who may be interested. Spread the word on forums, blogs on the same topic or any place where people who are interested may hang out.

Don't plagiarize content. If you are bringing content to the wiki or taking it from here (or to another site), please remember to cite the authors properly. Don't assume that everything on the Internet is open for the taking. Make sure you have permission to use something before you copy it, and follow the rules for attribution when you do reuse. Everyone likes credit for their hard work!

Don't use the wiki to spam your own links. Wikis are a great place to build content on a specific topic, not a place to spam links to your latest product or to post non-relevant material. Spam will be removed, so please don't add it to begin with.

Ask for help. If you are confused or need help, just ask! Just contact the Admin.