Liebhabertheater-Gesellschaft Solothurn
The Liebhabertheater-Gesellschaft Solothurn (abbrev. LTG; Engl. Amateur Theatre Society Solothurn) is an amateur theatre association located in the town of Solothurn, Switzerland. The society was founded in 1810 and has been active ever since. Nowadays, the Liebhabertheater-Gesellschaft stages usually one or two plays per year, playing about seven performances of each production. The plays are mostly performed in Swiss-German vernacular.[1]
Theatre activities in Solothurn had their origin in the Jesuit drama tradition in mid-17th century. Using the municipal theatre as their performance venue, the Liebhabertheater-Gesellschaft staged a great amount and variety of productions from classical drama to plays for mere entertainment. With the foundation of the professional theatre Städtebundtheater Biel-Solothurn in 1927, the LTG focussed on popular theatre, leaving standard language drama to the professionals.
Contemporary Activity
Today, the Liebhabertheater-Gesellschaft Solothurn is still active. In 2010, the LTG marked its 200th anniversary with an extensive event programme. Usually the society stages one or two plays per year, playing about seven performances of each production.
The plays are mostly performed in Swiss-German vernacular.
In their latter chronicle, the Liebhabertheater-Gesellschaft Solothurn lists the following plays:
- 2024/2025 Haguhans im Blitzloch, by Hans Corrodi, freely adapted from Jeremias Gotthelf's "Uli der Pächter"
- 2023/2024 E tolli Familie (Engl. An awesome family), by Fritz Wempner, adapted by Georg Trachsler
- 2022/2023 Dr Ueli uf dr Glungge
- 2021/2022 E höllischi Nacht (Engl. An infernal night)
- 2019/2020 Frau Müller muss weg (Engl. Ms Müller has to go)
- 2019/2020 37 Ansichtskarten (Engl. 37 Postcards)
- 2018/2019 Hinter den sieben Gleisen (Engl. Behind the seven rail tracks)
- 2017/2018 Gstürm im Stägehuus (Engl. Turmoil in the staircase)
- 2017/2018 Gueti Geischter (Engl. Good ghosts)
- 2016/2017 Schlafzimmergäste (Engl. Bedroom visitors)
- 2015/2016 Läbig Schueh
- 2015/2016 Der arme Ritter
- 2014/2015 Der süsseste Wahnsinn (Engl. The sweetest insanity)
- 2013/2014 Anne Bäbi Jowäger
- 2013/2014 Runter zum Fluss (Engl. Down to the river)