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Theaterverein Waldbühne Sigmaringendorf e.V.: Difference between revisions

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# https://www.waldbuehne.de/ueber-uns/buehnenportrait/
# https://www.waldbuehne.de/ueber-uns/buehnenportrait/
# https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldb%C3%BChne_Sigmaringendorf#Literatur
# https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldb%C3%BChne_Sigmaringendorf#Literatur
# https://www.deutscher-engagementpreis.de/engagiertenfinder/engagiertendetails/582-naturtheater-waldb%C3%BChne-e-v-sigmaringendorf

Latest revision as of 21:02, 1 March 2025

The Waldbühne Sigmaringendorf is an open-air theater in Sigmaringendorf, where amateur theater has been performed since 1928. It is the only open-air stage in the Sigmaringen district and one of the oldest open-air theaters in Baden-Württemberg. The Theaterverein Waldbühne Sigmaringendorf e.V.  is a member of the Bund Deutscher Amateurtheater (German Amateur Theater Association), the Landesverband Amateurtheater Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Württemberg State Association for Amateur Theater), and the Verband Deutscher Freilichtbühnen (Association of German Open-Air Theaters).


The predecessor of the Theaterverein Sigmaringendorf, the Bürger- und Leseverein,  was officially founded in 1845. It initially consisted of citizens interested in culture and literature. A few years later, in 1896, the Theaterverein Sigmaringendorf Waldbühne e.V. emerged from the Bürger- und Leseverein. The club initially continued to exist, but in 1935, its library was converted into a Volksbibliothek by the nazi regime, leading to its dissolution. After the war, it was not re-established. However, the Theaterverein Sigmaringendorf continued to exist. Today, it has around 150 active members, including a youth group of approximately 60 children and teenagers. After being initially built in 1928, the Waldbühne went through several structural changes, the most recent one being a ramp for disabled guests in 2013. The Waldbühne has a total capacity of around 700 guests.


Two plays are performed per season, one especially for children and young adults and one for adults. In addition to theater classics, original productions are increasingly being staged. The association also performs beyond its own stage in the area surrounding Sigmaringendorf. Since 1928, there have been only a few years without performances at the Waldbühne — during the war years from 1940 to 1948 and during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. The venue also hosts a yearly poetry slam, concerts and religious services.


The association received several awards through the years. In 2014, they were awarded with the Ehrenamtspreis des Landes Baden -Württemberg. 2016 they received one of 13 HelferHerzen, given to them by the dm Drogeriekette. In 2023 the Landkreis Sigmaringen rewarded the association with the Kulturpreis, and in 2023 they received the Jugendpreis des Stuttgarter Friedenspreises. The association was also nominated twice for the Baden-Württembergischer Staatspreis für Amateurtheater.


  1. https://www.waldbuehne.de/ueber-uns/buehnenportrait/
  2. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldb%C3%BChne_Sigmaringendorf#Literatur